× Courts are open on Presidents Day - Monday, February 17. 5660

Jury Service

Welcome, jurors. The judges of the Ninth Judicial Circuit appreciate your service and hope you find this experience rewarding. Here are instructions for your next steps after receiving a jury summons:

Next Steps for Jurors

  1. Understand that your participation matters! As a juror, you:
  • Support the preservation of constitutional rights
  • Ensure that all individuals can have a fair trial
  • Guarantee that proceedings can move forward, even if you are dismissed
  1. Take note of the report date, location, and juror number on your summons. You will need this information to check the status of your service the night before you serve and learn whether it will be required or not. See your county page below for instructions on checking your status.
  2. Juror number vs. Badge number: The reporting information section on the top-right corner of your summons has two important numbers, a juror number, and a badge number. You will use the juror number to check your reporting status on the phone or online, and the badge number to complete the juror questionnaire.
  3. Access instructions for your specific county and complete the juror questionnaire:
  1. For more information, read the FAQ page or contact your county’s jury service department:

Orange County Jury Services



  • 407.836.2206
  • Monday to Friday
  • 7:00am to 5:00pm

Osceola County Jury Services



  • 407.742.2423
  • Monday to Friday
  • 7:00am to 5:00pm
Courthouse Locations
Orange County
Office: 180
Phone: 407.836.2206
Fax: 407.836.2346
Osceola County
Office: 1100
Phone: 407.742.2423
Fax: 407.742.2630


Security Checkpoint

Firearm Restrictions

On April 3, 2023, Governor Ron DeSantis signed House Bill 543, which allows Floridians to carry concealed weapons without a government-issued permit. However, pursuant to Chapter 790 of the Florida Statutes, possession of weapons, firearms, and hazardous materials remains RESTRICTED in the courthouses of the Ninth Judicial Circuit Court of Florida. This includes the Orange County Office of the State Attorney and the Orange County Office of the Public Defender.

As the buildings are designated as Secure Facilities, anyone entering is subject to search of their person. Any person found possessing a weapon, firearm, or hazardous material of any kind will be denied access to the building unless the weapon, firearm, or hazardous material is surrendered to the proper authorities.

For more information regarding the restriction of weapons, firearms, and hazardous materials in the courthouses of the Ninth Judicial Circuit Court of Florida, please read Administrative Order No. 07-95-51-05.