A photo of Judge Nunez-Navarro accompanied by text announcing she has been named Jurist of the Year by the Hispanic Bar Association of Central Florida

On January 26, the Hispanic Bar Association of Central Florida held their 2023 Installation Ceremony to induct their newest board members, with Judge Gisela Laurent administering the oath to swear them in. Afterward, the new board began to present their awards for the night: Member of the Year and Jurist of the Year. And this year’s recipient for Jurist of the Year was none other than the Honorable Tarlika Nunez-Navarro.

As the first Colombian American to hold a seat on the Ninth Circuit’s bench, Judge Nunez-Navarro values the important lessons her Hispanic heritage has taught her. From keeping a strong work ethic to dedicating her life to helping others, she cites her Colombian heritage for instilling these concepts within her. It is for these reasons that she consistently commits her time to being an effective jurist and an active member of her community. And, now, she accomplishes all this while inspiring a new generation of Colombian Americans who get to see someone like them in the judiciary. 

Congratulations, Judge Nunez-Navarro!

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